import bpy import bmesh from mathutils import Vector def store_average_normals_using_vertex_position(obj): if obj.type != 'MESH': print(f"Object {obj.name} is not a mesh. Skipping.") return # Switch to object mode if needed if bpy.context.mode != 'OBJECT': bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') # Create BMesh from object data mesh = obj.data bm = bmesh.new() bm.from_mesh(mesh) # Ensure normals are updated bm.normal_update() # Prepare a custom vertex attribute layer for average normals avg_normal_layer = bm.verts.layers.float_vector.new("average_normal") # Create a dictionary to store average normals by vertex position average_normal_hash = {} # Iterate over all vertices to calculate average normals based on position for vert in bm.verts: position = tuple(vert.co) if position not in average_normal_hash: average_normal_hash[position] = vert.normal.copy() else: average_normal_hash[position] += vert.normal # Normalize the accumulated normals for position in average_normal_hash: average_normal_hash[position].normalize() # Assign the averaged normals back to vertices for vert in bm.verts: position = tuple(vert.co) vert[avg_normal_layer] = average_normal_hash[position] # Write the modified BMesh back to the mesh bm.to_mesh(mesh) bm.free() # Apply the function to the selected object obj = bpy.context.object if obj: store_average_normals_using_vertex_position(obj) print(f"Average normals stored in custom data layer for {obj.name}.") else: print("No object selected.")